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Know Everything About Mammogram

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. In India, 1 out of 2 women die from breast cancer. The biggest reason for these deaths is the lack of awareness about breast cancer and mammogram. The main purpose of mammograms is to detect and treat as soon as possible.

What is a mammogram? Why is it important?

A mammogram is the most common screening test for breast cancer. A mammogram is an X-ray that is done for breast examination. A mammogram is recommended for the early detection of breast cancer lumps and the timely treatment of breast cancer. A mammogram is one such important test, in which along with regular medical tests and self-examination of the breast. Early mammography screening can reduce the rate of advanced and fatal breast cancer.

At what age should a mammogram be done?

Health experts say that regular mammography is not needed in women under 40 who have no known risk factors and visible signs of breast cancer, but if you feel lumps in the breasts, or in women who risk of breast cancer based on several parameters like family history and other factors, then screening like mammogram can be started from the age of 37 years and in younger age MRI mammogram is suggested.

Procedure of mammogram

On the day of mammogram screening, do not use substances such as body deodorants, perfumes, body lotions, or powders that can affect the quality of the X-ray image or appear as calcium deposits. Hence, it is better to avoid applying them around your breasts and hands. During a mammogram, the patient stands to put her breast on a flat X-ray plate. A compressor is used to compress the breast to get a clear image in the X-ray. The procedure of mammography is either 2D or 3D. it takes a different-angle picture of the breast.

If the doctor needs more information, this process can be done several times. Sometimes digital mammography is also done. This sends the X-ray images to electronic pictures of the breast.

Types of mammography

Traditionally, mammography is 2 dimensional, which displays results on black and white X-ray film Can also be seen on the computer screen.

In a 3D mammogram, multiple images of the breast are taken from different angles to produce a clearer and more dimensional image. This type of mammogram is needed because the breast tissue of young girls is very dense and a normal mammogram does not detect tumor formation.

Is there any risk associated with it?

A mammogram is an X-ray, so your body will receive a very small amount of radiation, although the risks associated with these radiations are very negligible. If a pregnant woman needs to undergo a mammogram urgently, she will need to wear a lead apron during the procedure to avoid any risks.

Srivastava MRI and Imaging Centre is the highly digitalized Diagnostic Centre In Delhi. We use the latest technology to provide you with the highest-quality reports.

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