
Mri Min

Open MRI vs Closed MRI

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a critical diagnostic tool used to visualize internal structures of the body, particularly soft tissues. However, when it comes to choosing the right type of MRI, patients often find themselves choosing between Open MRI and Closed MRI. This decision can impact the comfort, accuracy, and overall experience of the scan. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between Open MRI and Closed MRI, and guide you on where to get the best services in Delhi, specifically at the MRI Centre in Delhi and the MRI Centre Near AIIMS, which is Srivastava MRI & Imaging Centre.

What is a Closed MRI?

Closed MRI is the traditional and most commonly used MRI machine. It consists of a large cylindrical tube surrounded by a circular magnet. Patients lie on a sliding table that moves into the tube, where they remain during the imaging process.

Advantages of Closed MRI:

  1. High-Resolution Imaging: Closed MRI machines typically offer higher magnetic field strength, which results in clearer and more detailed images. This is particularly useful for diagnosing complex conditions and conducting comprehensive studies.
  2. Advanced Diagnostic Capability: Due to the superior imaging quality, Closed MRI is often preferred for neurological exams, vascular studies, and detecting small abnormalities in tissues and organs.
  3. Wide Availability: Closed MRI machines are more common in most medical facilities, making them readily accessible.

Disadvantages of Closed MRI:

  1. Patient Discomfort: The enclosed space of a Closed MRI can cause anxiety or claustrophobia in some patients. The loud noises produced during the scan can also be uncomfortable.
  2. Limited Space: Patients who are larger or suffer from severe claustrophobia may find it difficult to undergo a Closed MRI due to the confined space.

What is an Open MRI?

Open MRI is designed to be more patient-friendly, with an open design that does not fully enclose the patient. The machine usually has two flat magnets positioned above and below the patient, with open sides.

Advantages of Open MRI:

  1. Patient Comfort: The open design of the Open MRI is less intimidating and more comfortable for patients, especially those with claustrophobia, anxiety, or physical conditions that make lying still in a confined space difficult.
  2. Accommodating Various Body Types: Open MRI machines are more accommodating for larger patients and those with mobility issues.
  3. Less Noise: Open MRI machines tend to be quieter than Closed MRI machines, which can make the experience more pleasant for patients.

Disadvantages of Open MRI:

  1. Lower Image Resolution: Open MRI machines often have a lower magnetic field strength compared to Closed MRI machines, which can result in lower image quality. This might limit the ability to detect small or subtle abnormalities.
  2. Longer Scan Times: Due to the lower field strength, scans may take longer, which can be less convenient for patients.

Where to Get MRI Scans in Delhi?

When deciding between Open and Closed MRI, it’s essential to consider the nature of your medical condition, as well as your comfort. The MRI Centre in Delhi offers both Open and Closed MRI options, ensuring that patients can choose the best type of imaging for their needs.

If you’re looking for reliable MRI services, the MRI Centre Near AIIMS is a prime location, providing access to advanced diagnostic technology and experienced radiologists. Srivastava MRI & Imaging Centre, available both in Delhi and near AIIMS, is known for its patient-centric approach, offering both Open and Closed MRI services to accommodate various patient needs.


The choice between Open MRI and Closed MRI depends on several factors, including the specific medical requirements and the patient’s comfort level. While Closed MRI offers superior image quality, Open MRI provides a more comfortable experience, especially for those with anxiety or claustrophobia. In Delhi, the MRI Centre Near AIIMS Which is Srivastava MRI & Imaging Centre are excellent options, offering state-of-the-art facilities to ensure accurate and comfortable imaging services tailored to your needs.


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