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What are the different types of X-rays used in medical diagnostics?

X-rays are a cornerstone of modern medical diagnostics, providing a non-invasive way to look inside the body and diagnose various conditions. Since their discovery over a century ago, X-ray technology has advanced significantly, leading to the development of different types of X-rays tailored to specific medical needs. If you’re searching for an X-ray Centre in Kalkaji, Srivastava MRI & Imaging Centre offers state-of-the-art X-ray services that cater to a wide range of diagnostic requirements.

1. Conventional X-rays

Conventional or standard X-rays are the most common type of X-ray used in medical diagnostics. This imaging technique involves passing X-ray beams through the body to capture images of bones and certain soft tissues. The resulting images can help diagnose fractures, infections, and other abnormalities.


  • Bone Fractures: X-rays are highly effective in detecting bone fractures, breaks, and dislocations.
  • Chest X-rays: These are used to examine the lungs, heart, and chest wall, often helping to diagnose conditions like pneumonia, heart failure, and lung cancer.
  • Abdominal X-rays: These are used to investigate issues such as kidney stones, bowel obstructions, and certain types of abdominal pain.


  • Quick and Painless: Conventional X-rays are fast, non-invasive, and generally painless.
  • Widely Available: This technology is available at most medical facilities, making it accessible to a large number of patients.

2. Computed Tomography (CT) Scans

CT scans, or computed tomography scans, are an advanced form of X-ray that takes multiple cross-sectional images of the body from different angles. These images are then combined to create a detailed, three-dimensional view of the inside of the body.


  • Brain and Spine: CT scans are often used to detect tumours, blood clots, and other abnormalities in the brain and spine.
  • Chest and Abdomen: These scans are useful for diagnosing conditions in the chest and abdomen, such as cancer, infections, and vascular diseases.
  • Trauma: CT scans are commonly used in emergencies to quickly assess the extent of injuries.


  • High Detail: CT scans provide more detailed images than conventional X-rays, making them useful for complex cases.
  • Versatile: They can be used to examine almost any part of the body, from the head to the abdomen.

3. Fluoroscopy

Fluoroscopy is a type of X-ray that produces real-time moving images of the inside of the body. It involves the continuous passing of X-rays through the body, with the images displayed on a monitor.


  • Barium Swallow Tests: Fluoroscopy is used to examine the oesophagus and stomach by watching the movement of barium through the digestive tract.
  • Cardiac Catheterization: This technique is used to visualize the blood vessels and chambers of the heart during procedures like angioplasty.
  • Joint Injections: Fluoroscopy helps guide injections into joints for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


  • Real-Time Imaging: The ability to see movement in real-time is particularly useful in procedures that require precision.
  • Guidance for Procedures: Fluoroscopy is often used to guide surgical and non-surgical procedures.

4. Mammography

Mammography is a specialized type of X-ray used specifically for imaging the breast tissue. It plays a crucial role in the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.


  • Screening for Breast Cancer: Mammograms are used as a preventive measure to detect breast cancer in its early stages, often before symptoms develop.
  • Diagnostic Mammograms: These are performed when there is a concern, such as a lump or unusual findings in a screening mammogram.


  • Early Detection: Mammography is the most effective tool for early breast cancer detection.
  • Targeted Imaging: It focuses specifically on breast tissue, providing detailed images that are crucial for diagnosis.

Choosing the Right X-ray

The type of X-ray you need depends on your specific medical condition. If you’re in search of an X-ray Centre in Kalkaji, Srivastava MRI & Imaging Centre offers a comprehensive range of X-ray services, including conventional X-rays, CT scans, fluoroscopy, and mammography. Their experienced radiologists ensure that you receive accurate diagnostics in a comfortable environment.

X-ray technology continues to be an indispensable tool in modern medicine, offering a variety of imaging options to diagnose and monitor a wide range of health conditions. Whether you’re dealing with a bone fracture, or heart issue, or need a routine screening, understanding the different types of X-rays can help you make informed decisions about your healthcare. 

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